Robin Hood

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Mythic Battles: Ragnarök...

659,89 zł Cena

W grze Mythic Battles: Ragnarök przejmujesz kontrolę nad nordyckimi bóstwami i dowodzisz ich siłami w ostatecznym konflikcie! Podczas gdy bogowie i śmiertelnicy toczą wojnę z potężnymi gigantami i żywymi trupami, w Dziewięciu Światach materializują się dziwne runy ognia.

Mythic Battles: Pantheon...

659,89 zł Cena

Pierwszy, który pochłonie wystarczającą ilość tej energii, zostanie nowym władcą Bogów i będzie mógł stworzyć Panteon na swój własny obraz. Wybierz swojego Boga, dobierz swoją bandę i walcz ze swoimi wrogami, mając na swoim rozkazie potęgę najpotężniejszych istot z mitologii greckiej.

Tyranids: Onslaught Swarm

659,89 zł Cena

The Tyranids are alien predators invading the galaxy from the vast intergalactic void beyond its edges. Like swarming insects falling upon precious crops, they devour all before them – consuming life upon each world in their path, and leaving nothing but airless rocks in their wake. They are a threat to every sentient species in the galaxy, and their numbers are growing.

Battleforce: Soulblight...

659,89 zł Cena

The Soulblight Gravelords are powerful undead monstrosities eternally hungering for the blood that sustains them. Led by cruel and immortal vampiric nobility, they go to war with hordes of undead thralls and twisted beasts. Each dynasty fights differently, attuned to their morbid commander's predilections – the Vengorian Lords are those who have succumbed to their bestial nature, leaving them just as warped in body as they are in soul.

Space Marines: Spearhead Force

659,89 zł Cena

The Space Marines are the Emperor’s will made manifest. They are his Angels of Death, and for ten thousand years, the Space Marine Chapters have been Humanity’s shield and sword in the face of the horrors that beset it. These genetically enhanced super-soldiers are among the greatest warriors to have ever existed, and their fast-moving spearhead forces employ high-speed tactics to strike like an armoured thunderbolt.

Exalted of the Red Angel

659,89 zł Cena

Devoted to endless slaughter, the World Eaters are fanatical worshippers of Khorne – led by their bestial Daemon Primarch, Angron. These fearsome Space Marines are augmented by strange devices known as the Butcher’s Nails, which are embedded in their brainstems and hammer relentlessly at their minds, driving them to deeds of unmatched brutality. The Nails push their wearers to madness, compounded over many millennia by the influence of the warp and the macabre rituals of the World Eaters Legion.

Orks: Beast Snagga Stampede

659,89 zł Cena

The Orks are the most savage and warlike species in the galaxy, and can be found infesting every one of its corners, forever seeking their next big fight. The Beast Snaggas are a particular 'subkultur' of Orks, who shun fancy gadgets in favour of more traditional tools – muscles, choppas, and tamed squigs. They chase down the biggest and most impressive targets, from alien monsters to hulking war machines, in order to prove their sheer tuffness.

Astra Militarum: Cadian...

659,89 zł Cena

The Astra Militarum is a monolithic military force, soldiers and vehicles beyond number spread across war zones throughout the galaxy. Its inexhaustible armies are the Emperor's hammer and the Imperium’s shield. They defend countless worlds from invasion and rebellion, and wrest back lost territory in grand crusades. Faced with ancient monsters and extragalactic horrors, the troops and tanks of the Astra Militarum stand together, acting as one to crush any opposition with brutal and undaunted resolve.

Leagues of Votann:...

659,89 zł Cena

New races in the galaxy are as redoubtable, courageous or determined as the Kin who make up the Leagues of Votann. Nor are many as ruthless when it comes to the risk-and-reward calculus of war. To face them in battle is to stand before an armoured avalanche that crushes all in its path. It is to be appraised and then brusquely dealt with by attackers who see you as little more than an obstruction to wealth and glory – or else as a hated nemesis, whose annihilation is worth any cost.

Battleforce: Slaves to...

659,89 zł Cena

The Slaves to Darkness march through the Mortal Realms in the name of the Dark Gods, ever pushing back against Sigmar’s dreams of peace and prosperity. They have suffered and sacrificed to conquer this land – and inflicted suffering in turn. Now none will halt their renewed advance, in a tide of blackened armour, twisted bulk, and trampling hooves.

The Army Painter:...

659,89 zł Cena

Rewolucja w malowaniu farbami firmy The Army Painter! Jedna warstwa i gotowe! Tylko tyle wystarczy, by uzyskać efekt farby bazowej, cienia oraz rozjaśnienia. Przyśpiesz malowanie swojej armii i miej więcej czasu na granie! Speedpaint 2.0 Mega Set to zestaw 50 farb w nowej, udoskonalonej recepturze. Zmiany dotyczą nie tylko większej ilości kolorów, ale także reaktywacji, która działa teraz tylko przez dwie godziny. Ten czas pozostawiono dla chętnych używających reaktywacji farb do uzyskiwania płynnych przejść między kolorami. Po dwóch godzinach reaktywacja nie występuję i można na farbach z nową formułą malować innymi odcieniami, kolorami i farbami w tym na bazie wody.

Descent: Legendy Mroku

649,89 zł Cena

Odwieczny wróg powrócił i jest gotów do kolejnej konfrontacji! Zbierz drużynę i zmierz się z siłami ciemności w Descent: Legends of the Dark, przygodowej grze planszowej o przemierzaniu podziemi!