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Gry bitewne i figurkowe

Gry bitewne i figurkowe:Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Bood Bowl, Necromunda, Warhammer 40.000, Kill Team, Star Wars, Gra o Tron.

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

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  • Kategorie: Inquisition
  • Kategorie: Legions Imperialis
  • Kategorie: Skaven
  • Kategorie: Space Marines
  • Kategorie: Warhammer 40.0000 Zacznij tutaj
Malcador Squadron
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Malcador Squadron

132,89 zł Cena

The Malcador battle tank possesses a number of advantages to its design, the principal of which is its battle speed, which is truly formidable for a tank of its size thanks to a highly sophisticated drive system. By the time of the Horus Heresy, they saw use with second line Imperial Army units, while the focus moved on to smaller, more tactically flexible tanks. The demands of the war brought them back into mainline usage, where they’re fielded in massive formations and retrofitted with a diverse array of weapons.

Sicaran Squadron
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Sicaran Squadron

132,89 zł Cena

The Sicaran is a fast-moving destroyer tank designed to outflank enemy formations before unleashing an overwhelming onslaught of mid-range firepower, with its rugged chassis supporting a number of weapon variants fielded throughout the Legions

Astartes Fast Attack
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Astartes Fast Attack

132,89 zł Cena

The Legiones Astartes use combat bikes and anti-grav skimmer vehicles to navigate the battlefield with far greater speed and more significant firepower than any single footsoldier could normally employ. Racing forwards, these swift-striking fighters pour destruction upon their enemies while performing devastating hit and run assaults, and speed away before enemy reinforcements can catch up and engage them.

Stormhammer Squadron
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Stormhammer Squadron

132,89 zł Cena

The Stormhammer is the pre-eminent super-heavy assault tank of the Solar Auxilia. Equipped with a fearsome array of weapons systems, each providing overlapping arcs of fire, the Stormhammer acts as a mobile fortress for the advance of the Solar Auxilia tercios. Such tanks are often found in the vanguard of invasion and pacification forces, driving forward into important beachheads and strongpoints.

Dreadnought Drop Pods
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Dreadnought Drop Pods

132,89 zł Cena

Legion Dreadnoughts require Drop Pods that are even larger than the orbital descent capsules employed by Legiones Astartes infantry, with a sturdier frame and more powerful engine designed to support their formidable machine shell. As a result, these armoured Drop Pods strike with devastating speed, making a dangerously meteoric descent from orbit to deliver their lethal cargo. These traits also allow them to be adapted into so-called Palisade Drop Pods, hosting heavy shield generators that can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield.

Dracosan Transport Detachment
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Dracosan Transport Detachment

132,89 zł Cena

The Dracosan Armoured Transport is a heavily armed and highly durable personnel carrier, each large enough to accommodate a full strength Solar Auxilia Infantry Section, and tough enough to protect its cargo from all but the most intense of enemy fire.

Legions Imperialis: Drop Pods
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Legions Imperialis: Drop Pods

132,89 zł Cena

Drop pods are self-contained, recoverable orbital descent capsules, each designed to carry a squad of Space Marines or deliver lethal fire support. They are showered down from orbit like ordnance, allowing surprise attacks and precision combat drops to punch down right into the midst of active war zones.

Legions Imperialis: Medusa and Basilisk Batteries
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Legions Imperialis: Medusa...

132,89 zł Cena

Solar Auxilia squadrons of Basilisk and Medusa tanks can both lay down fearsome barrages ahead of the advancing ranks of infantry. The Medusa siege gun can crack open mighty fortifications, while the Basilisk's earthshaker cannon hurls explosive shells at great distances. Their hulls, derived from the Solar pattern Leman Russ, offer enhanced protection from all but the most potent enemy weapons.

Warhound Scout Titans
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Warhound Scout Titans

199,89 zł Cena

Warhounds are the smallest class of ‘true’ Titan, classified within the De Bellis Titanicus as ‘Scout Titans’ in reference to their common operational role as vanguards to larger Titan battle groups, or support elements for lesser ground forces. A Warhound's sheer scale and power is enough to turn the tide of most battles – but when facing enemy Titans, they must rely on manoeuvrability and pack tactics to bring down their larger counterparts.

Warbringer Nemesis Titan
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Warbringer Nemesis Titan

240,89 zł Cena

The Warbringer Nemesis Titan serves the Collegia Titanica in the role of heavy fire support. It mounts a single Warlord-scale weapon on its upper carapace and Reaver-scale weapons on its arms – sacrificing the speed, armour and manoeuvrability of a conventional Battle Titan in favour of firepower far in excess of its size. With a Mori quake cannon launching world-shaking shells of arcane power, the Warbringer Nemesis is a sight to inspire dread in all but the most battle-hardened enemy Princeps.

Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan
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Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan

464,89 zł Cena

Warmaster Heavy Battle Titans are the embodiment of the Omnissiah's wrath. Once hidden away from prying eyes, these war machines have been unleashed in the cataclysmic days of the Horus Heresy. Though few in number, the thunderous tread of a Warmaster is an omen of impending doom, for little can stand against their fury.

Legions Imperialis: Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans
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Legions Imperialis: Dire...

199,89 zł Cena

Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans are sturdier and more heavily armoured than their Warhound cousins, and function as ambushers in Legio Titanicus battlegroups. Dire Wolves hunker down in forward positions to ambush and obliterate key targets with precise shots from their primary dorsal weapon, while their pintle-mounted arm weapons offer some defence against lesser targets, allowing the Heavy Scout Titans to focus on lining up a firing solution.