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Robin Hood

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

Gry bitewne i figurkowe:Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Bood Bowl, Necromunda, Warhammer 40.000, Kill Team, Star Wars, Gra o Tron.

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

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  • Kategorie: Deathwatch
  • Kategorie: Hungarian Army
  • Kategorie: Necromunda
  • Kategorie: Skaven
  • Kategorie: Soviet Army

Palanite Enforcer Tauros...

155,89 zł Cena

The Tauros Venator is an all-terrain vehicle, favoured by the Palanite Enforcers as a rapid interceptor ideal for policing the vital ridgeways that criss-cross Necromunda's ash wastes. The Enforcers only have a limited presence beyond the hive cities, so these swift but well-armed vehicles are vital for traversing the outlands at speed and bringing brutal justice to those who would threaten wealthy guild convoys or respectable hiver travellers.

Necromunda: Apocrypha

131,89 zł Cena

Few things are simple on Necromunda. Gangers thought lost in battle sometimes resurface later, seemingly back from the dead. Mysterious figures rise to plague an area, taunting the local gangs and working towards their own agenda. Settlements grow, falter, or change as the tides of fate shift. One thing is certain in the underhive – there’s never a dull moment.

Van Saar Ash Wastes...

128,89 zł Cena

Ash Wastes Arachni-rigs – known to House Van Saar as Arachnika Ash-jumpers – are armoured exoskeletons designed to traverse Necromunda’s rugged surface. Jump jets allow them to boost over obstacles, leap free of trouble, or unexpectedly drop in amongst their foes. Heavy weapons and surprising mobility make Ash-jumpers a match for rival vehicles and Nomad war parties, as they carve through Cargo-8 trains with laser and plasma blasts, clear rough terrain with flamers and rad guns, and snag targets with harpoons.

Necromunda: The Aranthian...

128,89 zł Cena

House Helmawr has fallen! As a living god takes the throne of Necromunda, Lady Haera fights her way to the Dust Wall and the loyal Enforcers stationed there. As the Ash Waste Nomad tribes gather for a massive assault on the Ironhead Squat holds, gangs rush to win favour with House Aranthus, capture the last Helmawr heir, or simply survive the darkness rising from below Hive Secundus.

Necromunda: Core Gang...

54,89 zł Cena

Keep your skirmishes moving quickly with this deck of 26 cards, featuring the various tricks and schemes your gangers can utilise during your games of Necromunda, such as an explosive gift of a Grenade Bouquet or the ominous ...Click of a stubber running dry.

Zone Mortalis: Underhive...

144,89 zł Cena

Even in the deadly Zone Mortalis, markets pop up in the crossfire as merchants and scroungers attempt to make a quick sale. Full of rare goods, counterfeit wares, and desirable weapons, these maze-like markets are frequently the sites of firefights between gangs, and the Palanite Enforcers are no stranger to the flimsy cover of a stall's awning.

Cawdor Ridge Walkers

128,89 zł Cena

Way-Brethren are the outriders of the Redemption’s wasteland crusades. Mounted on mechanical Ridge Walkers, these tireless pilgrims range ahead of the teeming masses of the faithful, blazing a trail between the shrines and holy sites of Necromunda's ash wastes for those that follow. Ridge Walkers are hardy engine-steeds that turn the Way-Brethren into swift and deadly combatants, capable of charging down foes or bullying through enemy lines with almost knightly vigour.

Necromunda: The Aranthian...

128,89 zł Cena

Cinderak City has fallen, and the rebellious Lady Credo has dealt a significant blow against the Imperial House. Lady Haera Helmawr seeks to consolidate her damaged authority – but even as she sends hundreds of Enforcer patrols flooding into the depths of Hive Primus, a Redemptionist Crusade grows into the tens of thousands, following a mysterious leader in search of a lost prophet...

Escher Cutters

128,89 zł Cena

Cutters are fast, agile jetbikes, reflecting House Escher's preference for deadly speed over brutish durability. Borne across the skies of the ash wastes by a staggeringly powerful engine, Cutters are seldom the stablest or safest of rides – but leave any rivals choking on clouds of dust and trails of corrosive chem-exhaust. Soaring over obstacles and barricades, a descending Cutter can slice through the enemies of the House of Blades with a hail of gunfire, then jink away before the foe can respond.

Promethium Tanks on Cargo-8...

163,89 zł Cena

The Guild of Coin rules the roads of Necromunda. They transport material between hives and, for a hefty price, they'll even smuggle weapons and people. Crossing the arid, violent, and irradiated ash wastes is a risky business, so the guild employs convoys of Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers. These hulking vehicles can cart huge volumes of resources through the most dangerous outlands – such as tanks of promethium, the highly volatile and equally valuable fuel employed throughout the Imperium. A secure fuel supply is the lifeblood of the wastes, and the payoff for a successful delivery is well worth the risks of perching atop a tanker of explosive gas during a roadside firefight.

Promethium Tanks Refuelling...

128,89 zł Cena

In the ash wastes of Necromunda, fuel is as vital as water. Becoming stranded in the weather-blasted expanses leaves a vehicle exposed to the elements and the attention of roaming gangs. Those with access to a supply of promethium are rich in credits, ammo, and the ability to freely traverse the ash wastes. As a result, fights around refuelling stations are commonplace, with many gangers having met their end at the hands of rivals desperate for promethium, or blown to pieces when a stray shot pierced a tank of the volatile fuel.

Goliath Maulers

128,89 zł Cena

Maulers are bulky, heavily armoured vehicles, perfectly suited to the gang members of House Goliath. Their hydraulic drive combines tracks and wheels to keep moving regardless of the terrain, while a front-mounted power ram inflicts horrendous damage on anything foolish enough to stand in its path. Brutal, loud, and almost impossible to stop, an oncoming Mauler is a terrifying sight to behold – the very spirit of the House of Chains, made manifest in steel and fumes.