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Robin Hood

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

Gry bitewne i figurkowe:Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Bood Bowl, Necromunda, Warhammer 40.000, Kill Team, Star Wars, Gra o Tron.

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

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  • Kategorie: Dark Angels
  • Kategorie: Drukhari
  • Kategorie: Skaven
  • Kategorie: Tyranids
  • Kategorie: US Army

Combat Patrol: Dark Angels

419,89 zł Cena

Combat Patrol: Dark Angels is an army in a box, containing all the units you’ll need to field them as the Vengeful Brethren in Combat Patrol games of Warhammer 40,000, or simply to expand your existing collection. This selection of infantry offers a balanced force, with heavy fire support provided by the Hellblasters, line-breaking melee specialists in the form of Bladeguard Veterans, and a solid core of ten Intercessors – all led by a mighty Captain clad in Gravis Armour. You can download a free copy of the Combat Patrol rules on the Warhammer Community website.

Inner Circle Companions

155,89 zł Cena

The Inner Circle Companions are some of the most skilled and sinister warriors in the entire Dark Angels Chapter. They are chosen, some whisper, by Lion El'Jonson himself, and arrive unannounced to guard heroes of the Unforgiven or pursue secret quests. Wielding their Calibanite greatswords with breathtaking skill, wreathed in the incense smoke of their braziers of judgement, the Companions cut a crimson path through their foes. At all times they fight in silence, save for the whine of their armour servos and the crunch of their blades through flesh and bone.

Dark Angels: Upgrades and...

93,89 zł Cena

None fight with more grim determination than the battle-brothers of the Dark Angels, who are held in awe by allies and enemies alike. Yet behind their devotion to the Imperium lies a shadowy obsession. Adorned with ancient relics and honours dating back to the Great Crusade, clad in knightly helms and solemn hoods, the Dark Angels are a sight that few could ever forget... unless compelled to do so.

Datasheet Cards: Dark Angels

87,89 zł Cena

No matter the foe or the odds, the proud warriors of the Dark Angels and their successor Chapters stubbornly refuse to accept defeat. Descendants of the First Legion, they stand foremost amongst the Space Marine Chapters.

Codex Supplement: Dark Angels

87,89 zł Cena

Codex Supplement: Dark Angels is your essential guide to using the Dark Angels and their successor Chapters in your games of Warhammer 40,000, as well as collecting, building, and painting them. When combined with the contents of Codex: Space Marines, you’ll be able to build an army with their own fighting style, specialised units, and unique formations. You'll also find everything you need to use them in narrative Crusade games and games of Combat Patrol. The book is loaded with artwork, stunning examples of painted miniatures, and fascinating background material to inspire you.

Belial, Grand Master of The...

119,89 zł Cena

Grand Master Belial is a fearless leader of the Dark Angels Chapter – a warrior whose skill in battle has always stood out, even amongst his transhuman brethren. As the Grand Master of the Deathwing, he is a staunch perfectionist, celebrating none of his many victories, but instead chastising himself and seeking to repent for any perceived weakness. Belial prizes ruthless killing efficiency over elegance or artifice, leading the Dark Angels to triumph in the most gruelling and ruinous theatres of war.

Deathwing Knights

192,89 zł Cena

Deathwing Knights are the ultimate veterans of the Dark Angels Chapter – elite death-dealers, specialised in close combat and deployed to break the enemy's back, secure truly vital objectives, or reclaim secrets forbidden even to their battle-brothers. Clad in baroque Terminator armour and equipped with only the finest heirloom wargear, squads of Deathwing Knights teleport into the heart of the thickest fighting, where they smash through their foes in the unerring pursuit of total victory.

Asmodai, Master of Repentance

119,89 zł Cena

Asmodai is a legendary Interrogator-Chaplain of the Dark Angels Chapter. Relentless and humourless, the Master of Repentance suffers no weakness or compromise amongst his allies. In battle, he incites the fighting spirit of his brothers to new heights, rendering them unstoppable killing machines by chanting litanies of hate with unshakeable zeal.


112,89 zł Cena

Neurogaunts scuttle forward in seething masses, driven on by the parasitic neurocytes that cling to their backs. Their primary purpose is to protect the synaptic node-beasts coordinating invasion swarms, while projecting their command signals throughout the wider swarm. It is a task they go about with single-minded savagery, slashing, biting, and dying with mindless vigour.

Von Ryan's Leapers

131,89 zł Cena

Von Ryan’s Leapers are swift, agile Tyranid bioforms, cunning hunters and stealth ambushers that are especially lethal when fighting in dense terrain. Packs of Leapers lie in wait like living mines, lurking at the optimum locations to cause as much damage as possible. When they sense the perfect time to strike, they burst forth to butcher all around in a murderous frenzy.


155,89 zł Cena

A Psychophage stampedes into battle at a frightening speed. They devour any prey organism in their paths, but especially favour those victims with psychic abilities. How they metabolise such esoteric powers is unclear, but doing so allows them to project surges of psychocorrosive ash that deflagrate their victims’ minds and souls.

Tyranids: Onslaught Swarm

659,89 zł Cena

The Tyranids are alien predators invading the galaxy from the vast intergalactic void beyond its edges. Like swarming insects falling upon precious crops, they devour all before them – consuming life upon each world in their path, and leaving nothing but airless rocks in their wake. They are a threat to every sentient species in the galaxy, and their numbers are growing.