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Robin Hood

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

Gry bitewne i figurkowe:Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Bood Bowl, Necromunda, Warhammer 40.000, Kill Team, Star Wars, Gra o Tron.

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

Gry bitewne i figurkowe

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  • Kategorie: Black Templars
  • Kategorie: Blood Bowl
  • Kategorie: Gloomspite Gitz
  • Kategorie: Salamander
  • Kategorie: Skaven
Gnome Treeman
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Gnome Treeman

120,89 zł Cena

Gnomes frankly have a tough time winning a game of Blood Bowl – but bringing along a Treeman is a great way to close the height gap. And the strength gap. And the skill gap. These mighty arboreal players give the Gnomes half a shot against most serious teams.

Gnome Blood Bowl Team: The Glimdwarrow Groundhogs
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Gnome Blood Bowl Team: The...

132,89 zł Cena

Gnomes are something of an enigma in the world of Blood Bowl, with many fans having dismissed their existence almost entirely. While their tactics, and woodland creatures, are somewhat unorthodox, Gnomes are quite fond of the game. While individual players are hardly paragons of athleticism, their mastery of magical illusions and the befriending of forest beasts gives them certain advantages not enjoyed by less gloriously bearded teams.

Gnome Blood Bowl Team – Double-sided Pitch and Dugouts Set
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Gnome Blood Bowl Team –...

148,89 zł Cena

Gnome teams play Blood Bowl on pitches deep within their mysterious forests, in clearings between the trees. These aren't just your regular run-of-the-mill forests, though – magic hangs in the air, and all manner of creatures, both fey and mundane, come out of hiding to watch their Gnome friends play Blood Bowl!

Gnome Blood Bowl Team – Dice Set
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Gnome Blood Bowl Team –...

58,89 zł Cena

Even with their magical illusions, Gnome teams will need all the luck they can get in games of Blood Bowl, which is where these themed dice come in.

Blood Bowl Spike! Journal Issue 17
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Blood Bowl Spike! Journal...

44,89 zł Cena

Deep in the dank heart of the old forests, mischievous woodland creatures frolic, prance, and beat each other to a pulp playing the age-old game of Blood Bowl. This issue's guest editor, Davide Mirrorfoot, reveals just a few of the secrets of Gnome teams.

Gloomspite Gitz: Trugg the...

263,89 zł Cena

Trugg is the mightiest of all troggoths. A towering mass of strength and ill temper, he carries atop his back an arcane keystone of ancient design, which fuels his already formidable physical might with unpredictable bursts of elemental magic... and gives him a terrible headache.

Vampire Blood Bowl Team:...

129,89 zł Cena

Noble Vampires often partake in games of Blood Bowl alongside their human Thralls to showcase their immortal superiority and indulge in a little bloodlust. Due to their wealthy status, these Nobles are adorned in the highest quality gear. Meanwhile, their Thralls are dishevelled and diminutive, wearing little more than basic equipment and blouses – and their gaunt and malnourished appearances may or may not have something to do with Thralls becoming a mid-match snack for the Vampires when they get thirsty.

Gloomspite Gitz Dice

109,89 zł Cena

Roll your way to victory under the light of the Bad Moon with this awesome dice set for Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Trugg's Great Troggherd

386,89 zł Cena

Trugg is the mightiest of all troggoths. A towering mass of strength and ill temper, he carries atop his back an arcane leystone of ancient design, which fuels his already formidable physical might with unpredictable bursts of elemental magic. In his wake follows a troggherd of unmatched size, shaking the very realms as they wander from leyline to leyline, wrecking everything in their wake.


91,89 zł Cena

Rabble-Rowzas are grots who have taken it upon themselves to rile up the subterranean hordes. These self-important agitators clatter their weapons, stamp their feet, and bellow ‘wakey-wakey’ at deafening volume. So grating are their magically enhanced voices that they can stir even the most stubborn troglodytic titans from their slumber.

Dawnbringers: Gloomspite...

343,89 zł Cena

Bellowing ‘wakey-wakey’ at deafening volume, Rabble-Rowzas take it upon themselves to rile up the subterranean hordes. So grating are their magically enhanced voices that they can stir even the most stubborn trogg-titans and squiggly beasts from their slumber. When they arrive at a battle, they’re often surrounded by a medley of cranky squigs and mushroom-addled grots.

Blood Bowl: Gutter Bowl

152,89 zł Cena

Gutter Bowl is an exciting expansion to Blood Bowl that takes the action off the professional pitch – and into the streets and sewers of the Old World! You'll coach a team of enthusiastic – if inexperienced – players as they settle their differences in brutal street sports. What Gutter Bowl lacks in showmanship, sponsorships, and sporting competence compared to its big brother, Blood Bowl, it more than makes up for in violence and near-complete disregard for the rules!